Coaching and Consulting

Internal Coach Network

Before I set up my coaching business, I worked for over 20 years in People Teams. I experienced the power of coaching cultures and have seen increasing research evidence to prove how coaching transforms business and people alike. I have seen organisations struggle with knowing how to evolve their culture to meet the changing world customers and employees want. I have seen leaders struggle to work out how to adapt their leadership style. I have worked in businesses wrestling with working out how to really engage people and help them build fulfilling careers. These were the moments when I really understood that coaching is at the core of all successful organisations.

My last corporate role was Head of Talent & Organisational Development in a rapidly growing organisation. The business’ success was grounded in its culture and investment in people. This meant building a coaching culture. We invested in training all our leaders in coaching skills, established a team of 20 professionally credentialled internal coaches and embedded coaching in our ways of working.  To do this well I partnered with external experts and I was always keen to learn and connect with other organisations and coaches who had done the same work. I found there wasn’t an easy way to do this.

As the work to embed the coaching culture matured many organsiations and internal coaches started to ask if I would share my experience with them. It started to gather a head of steam and that’s when this community group was born. The Internal Coach Network (ICN) started in 2018 and has grown organically to provide connection, learning, innovation and best practice for internal coaches and leaders who are building and sustaining coaching cultures. Importantly, the content of the sessions is designed by experienced internal coaches for internal coaches so we know it’s relevant and practical.

We bring internal coaches together across diverse sectors and teams to learn together. Our goal is to raise the bar of professional coaching practice in organisations. We know it can transform lives and organisations if coaching is aligned to the talent strategy, professionally managed and embedded in an organisation.

ICN membership gives your internal coaches access to a brilliant bundle of CPD all in one place. Here’s what is on offer:

  • Connections to coaches and organisations who have a common goal; building a coaching culture

  • A relevant programme of events for internal coaches with a practical focus

  • Access to information and experience to keep up to date with developments in coaching including case studies

  • A place to collaborate and co-design toolkits and practical approaches with experts and innovators

  • Access to great quality speakers for a good price £399 per person per year

  • CPD with coach practice, tool ups, big ideas meet ups and group supervision on some of the trickier ethical issues internal coaches face

If you are an internal coach or leader and would like to be part of this group you can contact me on 07900 244777 or